Dress Code / School Conduct

Dress Code

At Mother Teresa School we expect students to dress modestly and comfortably for
school activities and seasonal weather while aligning with our Catholic principles. The
following guidelines should be adhered to for student dress:

  • Clothing must NOT display slogans or advertising which is controversial,
    obscene, offensive or depict drugs, smoking or alcohol.
  • Shirts/Tops must meet the following criteria:
    • Shirts must have straps that are wider than spaghetti straps
    • Shirts are to be long enough that no more than two inches of midriff is
      exposed at any time
    • Open-sided muscle shirts are not permitted. Chests are to remain
  • Shorts and skirts need to be long enough that underwear and private parts are
    completely covered at all times
    • Short shorts are not permitted

Should a student’s clothing be seen as inappropriate they will be asked to change into
another item of clothing at school, teachers will notify parents, and students may be
sent home to change.

**Your assistance is appreciated in ensuring student clothing reflects the values of a
Catholic School.***

School Conduct

This document outlines our philosophy, student responsibilities and rights and our general school rules. Also included is a range of consequences, which follow when action is required.


Our students are positive and caring people who can demonstrate responsibility for themselves and others within a Catholic school environment.


We, at École Mother Teresa School, in partnership with home and community, believe in the principle of discipline with dignity. We recognize the inherent right of each individual to be safe and be treated with justice and respect.


Our school believes that all children have the right to learn in a positive, cooperative, orderly school environment. Our goal is to help students see themselves as being responsible for their behaviour and in control of themselves. Any behaviour that infringes on the right or well being of others is unacceptable in our school. (See appendix A- Alberta School Act). Students must understand that they are responsible for their own behaviour. While the majority of students behave in a responsible manner most of the time, we recognize that on occasion, a student may err in judgment regarding his/her behaviour. The staff and parents share the responsibility for teaching students ways to handle their errors in judgment in a more acceptable manner.

Support will be provided for all students in order to promote the internalization and practical application of these principles in daily life. High expectations for positive conduct will be held for all students at École Mother Teresa School.

By working together, we can ensure positive student conduct.



  1. I WILL arrive at school on time and be prepared for class because I have a right to learn in this school.
  2. I WILL listen to instructions and do my work to the best of my abilities.
  3. I WILL listen when others are speaking, because everyone has a right to hear and be heard.
  4. I WILL be considerate of each other so that we all feel happy and wanted at our school because everyone has a right to be respected.
  5. I WILL play and act safely at all times, because everyone has the right to be safe.
  6. I WILL accept each other’s right of privacy of thoughts, feelings and personal property because everyone has a right to privacy.
  7. I WILL listen to feedback from others, because everyone has the right to receive assistance and support in their academic, spiritual, physical, emotional and social growth.
  8. I WILL keep our school clean and be a good ambassador for our school because everyone has the right to take pride in our school, both the building and the spirit within.
  9. I WILL accept each other’s differences as special gifts from God because we all have a right to be a unique child in God’s family.


Minor Offences will be handled “ON THE SPOT” by the staff member. Students will know what poor judgment on their part was and will be helped to formulate more acceptable alternatives for the future.


When a student chooses to behave inappropriately, consequences will be followed to help the student realize poor judgment was used on their part. The student will be assisted to choose and use more acceptable alternatives. Interventions will focus on problem-solving.

It is essential that all understand the consequences of unacceptable behaviour. The flexibility of choosing from a range of consequences ensures that each child will be treated individually and fairly.

The following are examples of MINOR OFFENCES

  • Rough play: pushing, hitting, shoving or wrestling
  • Wearing headwear inside the school
  • Wearing outdoor footwear inside the school
  • Running in the hall
  • Playing outside of designated areas
  • Riding bikes on the school grounds
  • Leaving school grounds without consent from parents/guardian
  • Not following bus and lunchroom expectations
  • Inappropriate dress***
  • Using electronic devices during class instruction without staff permission
  • Using scooters, wheeled shoes, and skateboards at school

The following are examples of MINOR OFFENCES CONSEQUENCES

  • Reminders and or discussions
  • Restitution
  • Loss of privileges
  • Parent contact/involvement
  • Detention
  • Action plans & contracts
  • Class suspensions
  • Office referral
  • Informal/formal conferences
  • In-School suspension

Major Offences: major offences are behaviours that interfere with or threaten the orderly functioning of the school and the safety or dignity of students or staff.

The following are examples of MAJOR OFFENCES

  • Verbal abuse, threats, derogatory comments, name-calling, sexual innuendos and personal harassment
  • Constant disruption of class proceedings
  • Open defiance, resisting and disregarding adult requests
  • Abusive or suggestive language gesture or dress
  • Destruction/vandalism or theft of school/personal property
  • Continuous minor offences or refusing to carry out responsibilities for learning

The following are examples of MAJOR OFFENCES CONSEQUENCES

  • Action plans & contracts, detentions
  • Documentation sent home to be signed
  • Parent involvement/parent meeting
  • Class or in-school suspension
  • Out-of-school suspension
  • Referral to outside agencies
  • Restitution
  • Counselling
  • Alternate schooling

Zero Tolerance Offences:  As might be expected, the more serious the misbehaviour, the more severe the consequence. The following are considered “severe” acts of misconduct and will be dealt with by parent meeting, suspension, referral or expulsion.

The following are examples of ZERO TOLERANCE OFFENCES    

  • Possession of a weapon or an item on school property designed to cause harm to a student or staff member
  • Students under the influence and or in possession of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, paraphernalia of inhalants at school
  • Wilful or planned assault on others
  • Physical abuse or dangerous behaviours that could harm others or self


  • Parent contact/meeting
  • Out-of-school suspension
  • Referral to outside agencies

For further information conduct code please contact the school.